Abstract Reasoning Test

Abstract reasoning is a type of reasoning directly related to fluid intelligence,1 which refers to inborn cognitive skills, as opposed to crystallized intelligence which comprises the knowledge and skills acquired through life.

This type of reasoning is linked to the ability to make generalizations and consider concepts. 

In the context of intelligence tests, abstract reasoning is a particularly interesting topic of analysis and one highly valued and sought by companies when evaluating potential candidates. In this type of reasoning, verbal and mathematical skills, as well as the cultural background and the education of the individual, are irrelevant. Furthermore, unlike other skills that can either fall under the concept of deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning, abstract reasoning implies the use of both.

In exercises and questions of abstract reasoning, the individuals must identify and recognize shapes and patterns. They are required to analyze the elements individually to understand the whole and to simultaneously analyze the whole to understand the elements within the general context. 


This Abstract Reasoning Test contains 10 questions in total. Some of them target inductive reasoning while others are focused on deductive reasoning within the context of abstract thinking.

You must select the figure that completes the sequence or that follows the same pattern as the ones shown.


This test is designed as an entertaining and educational tool. The results do not constitute a psychological or psychiatric evaluation of any kind and may not offer an accurate portrait of the mental fitness of the test taker. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the results and these should not be used as an indicator of the capacities of the individual for a specific purpose.

Responses may be recorded and used for research purposes or to be otherwise distributed. All responses are recorded anonymously. 

Latest Results

Age 24
Gender Male
Score 50
Age 18
Gender Male
Score 40
Age 21
Gender Female
Score 60
Age 21
Gender Female
Score 70
Age 43
Gender Female
Score 60
Age 25
Gender Male
Score 60
Age 30
Gender Female
Score 30
Age 17
Gender Female
Score 30

Tips to solve abstract reasoning tests

1. Consider the type of reasoning involved

Abstract reasoning tests tend to include exercises that require deductive or inductive reasoning skills. In the first case, you need to analyze the general information provided to find the premises behind it. In the second, you must look at the elements to draw a general conclusion.

When doing exercises that require abstract thinking, you should employ both types of reasoning to try to find a pattern or understand the logic behind the question.

For example, in exercises with figures, each can act independently or they may form a sequential pattern.

2. Practice abstract reasoning exercises

Try to do as many abstract reasoning tests as possible, ideally from various publishers. This will expose you to different types of exercises and allow you to get acquainted with the most common patterns and tricks employed.

Once you get used to them, abstract exercises will not look as daunting as before and you will be able to analyze them quicker.

Remember that most exercises focus on: shapes, colors, size, patterns, and numbers.

3. You do not need prior knowledge

As a part of fluid intelligence, abstract thinking is inborn and independent of any cultural or educational background. It does not require verbal or mathematical skills or any type of prior knowledge.

As such, you should approach any exercise with a clear mind and focus solely on interpreting the information provided without any fears that you might lack the necessary skills or tools to solve the problem.

4. Check the possible answers

If you are struggling with a particular exercise or if you are having second thoughts about whether you are on the right track, take a look at the possible answers available.

You might find a clue as to whether you are facing a deductive or inductive reasoning question or if you should focus your attention on a particular element such as color, size, or shape.


1 Taylor, Brittany K. et al. (2020), Neural oscillatory dynamics serving abstract reasoning reveal robust sex differences in typically-developing children and adolescents. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100770.

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